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 Frame Data * Blanka

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GxC Shield
GxC Shield

Messages : 1740
ID en ligne : GxC Shield (XBox360 & PC) // GxC_Kekkai (PSN)
Perso : Claw (SSFIVAE); Dhalsim (SFII) / Ky Kiske (GGXrd)

Frame Data * Blanka Empty
MessageSujet: Frame Data * Blanka   Frame Data * Blanka I_icon_minitime6/1/2013, 16:35

Normal Moves

MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes
Close Light PunchHL305020Sp*Su4210-12-
Close Medium PunchHL8010040Su621025-
Close Hard PunchHL110[90]200[150]60Su7422-7-1Forces stand, [] refers to active frames 3~4
Close Light KickHL405020Sp*Su4310-213~12f feet strike and projectile invincible
Close Medium KickHL40*4050*5040*20Su-52(3)212031st hit cancellable, 4~18f feet strike and projectile invincible
Close Hard KickHL100[80]200[150]60Su7619-6-16~8f feet strike and projectile invincible, [] refers to active frames 3~6
Far Light PunchHL305020Sp*Su32903-
Far Medium PunchHL8010040Su74914-
Far Hard PunchHL12020060-7620-6-1Hit advantage is based on 2nd active frame
Far Light KickHL305020Su5212-30-
Far Medium KickHL9010040Su5219-7-4-
Far Hard KickHL100[80]200[150]60-3623-10-54~8f feet strike and projectile invincible, [] refers to active frames 3~6
Crouch Light PunchHL305020Sp*Su42903-
Crouch Medium PunchHL9010040Su7415-5-2-
Crouch Hard PunchHL10020060Su8425-10-4Forces stand
Crouch Light KickL305020Sp*Su43714Low attack
Crouch Medium KickL7010040Sp*Su521114Low attack
Crouch Hard KickL9015060Su6521-7DLow attack, cannot fast recover, opponent gets up 48F after recovery if hit on first active frame
Jump Up Light PunchH405020-57----
Jump Up Medium PunchH7010040-63----
Jump Up Hard PunchH12020060-43----
Jump Up Light KickH405020-43----
Jump Up Medium KickH6010040-55----
Jump Up Hard KickH12020060-77----
Jump Toward Light PunchH405020-57----
Jump Toward Medium PunchH7010040-65----
Jump Toward Hard PunchH9020060-54----
Jump Toward Light KickH405020-55----
Jump Toward Medium KickH6010040-55----
Jump Toward Hard KickH11020060-76----
MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes

Other, Special Moves, Supers & Ultras

MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes
Back or Forward + Medium Punch (Close)HL50*4050*5040*20Sp*Su-72(1)511-231st hit cancellable, only +1 on hit vs crouching opponents
OverheadH50*4050*5040*20-252(1)411-15Hold button 15f
Down Forward + Hard PunchL10020060-101616-11DLow attack, cannot fast recover
Forward Hop-------22--5~18f airborne & can pass through opponent, treated as a special move
Back Hop-------29--4~21f airborne, treated as a special move
Coward Crouch----Sp*Su--53--1~31f [4] everything except feet strike and projectile invincible, 32~40[5~13f] airborne, 29~32f [3] cancellable, duration can be extended, [] refers to extension
Coward CrouchSp*Su901~64f everything except feet strike and projectile invincible, 69~77f airborne, 29~65f cancellable
Focus Attack Level 1HL6010020-20238-24-24-
Focus Attack Level 2HL9015040-17+11238-18D-
Focus Attack Level 3-15020060-63239DD-
Forward Throw0.9313014040-3220-DCannot fast recover (Hard knockdown). Opponent gets up 81f after throw recovers
Back Throw0.9312012040-3220-DCannot fast recover (Hard knockdown). Opponent gets up 54f after throw recovers
Rolling Attack Light PunchHL11010030/30Su6184 + After landing 2 [36+5]-24-158f~ airborne, Armor break, charge 55f, [] refers to on hit/block
Rolling Attack Medium PunchHL12015030/30Su6334+2 [36+5]-24-158f~ airborne, Armor break, charge 55f, [] refers to on hit/block
Rolling Attack Hard PunchHL13020030/30Su6334+3 [36+5]-24-157f~ airborne, [Hit, active frames 1~2] Limited juggle knockdown, Armor break, charge 55f, [] refers to on hit/block
Rolling Attack EXHL120150-250/0Su6334+3[36+5]-24-15Projectile invincible until end of active frames, 7f~ airborne, [Hit, active frames 1~2] Limited juggle knockdown, Armor break, charge 55f, [] refers to on hit/block
Backstep Rolling Light KickHL11020030/40-2825After landing 6-D1f~ airborne, charge 55f
Backstep Rolling Medium KickHL12020030/40-2829After landing 6-D1f~ airborne, charge 55f
Backstep Rolling Hard KickHL13020030/40-2833After landing 6-D1f~ airborne, charge 55f
Backstep Rolling EXHL120200-250/0-2833After landing 6-D1~22f invincible, 23~27f cannot be thrown, 1f~ airborne, charge 55f, direction can be controlled
Anti Air Rolling Light KickHL10020030/30-41840+5 [36+5]-21-173f~ airborne, charge 55f, [] refers to on hit/block
Anti Air Rolling Medium KickHL11020030/30-41542+10 [36+5]-21-173f~ airborne, charge 55f, [] refers to on hit/block
Anti Air Rolling Hard KickHL12020030/30-41246+4 [36+5]-21-173f~ airborne, charge 55f, [] refers to on hit/block
Anti Air Rolling EXHL120200-250/0-41847+10 [36+10]-26-171~5f invincible, 3f~ airborne, charge 55f, [] refers to on hit/block
Electricity Light PunchHL12020020/20Su5{4(4)}x3*495D1st hit on block does not stop immediately, can be extended
Electricity Medium PunchHL13020020/20Su7{2(2)}x7*298D1st hit on block does not stop immediately, can be extended
Electricity Hard PunchHL14020020/20Su10{1(1)}x16*2910D1st hit on block does not stop immediately, can be extended
Electricity EXHL150200-250/0Su5{1(1)}x16*2118D1st hit on block does not stop immediately
SuperHL100x50-1000/0-1+416*1x1412 [38+5]-32D1~5f invincible, Pursuit property, Untechable limited juggle knockdown, charge 55f, [] refers to on hit/block
Ultra 1L * H * HLx40*120*125x400/0-0+42(20) 26 * 1x2017 [39+5]-41D1~27f invincible, 26~51f airborne, 1st hit cannot hit airborne opponents & cannot be countered, Pursuit property, charge 55f, can be held in place
Ultra 2 KickL120x2 * 90x300/0-0+122(7) 2(33) 9031-57-1~11f invincible, charge 42f, 12~145f projectile invincible, armor break, pursuit property, (translate)
Ultra 2 Punch30 * 195 [470]00/0-0+755(10)680--1~7f Invincible, 1st hit active from 8f~, 1st hit projectile invincible, armor break, pursuit property, 2nd hit cannot hit crouching opponents, can delay 1st hit for a maximum of 30 frames, 1st hit goes into animation, [] refers to animation, charge 42f
MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes

Source EventHubs et Shoryuken

Dernière édition par GxC Shield le 15/1/2013, 01:12, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 731
ID en ligne : PSN : Kazuki94800
Perso : Blanka

Frame Data * Blanka Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Frame Data * Blanka   Frame Data * Blanka I_icon_minitime8/1/2013, 21:49

merci moi qui chercher la version 2012 tu déchire Wink
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Frame Data * Blanka

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