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 Frame Data * T. Hawk

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GxC Shield
GxC Shield

Messages : 1740
ID en ligne : GxC Shield (XBox360 & PC) // GxC_Kekkai (PSN)
Perso : Claw (SSFIVAE); Dhalsim (SFII) / Ky Kiske (GGXrd)

Frame Data * T. Hawk Empty
MessageSujet: Frame Data * T. Hawk   Frame Data * T. Hawk I_icon_minitime6/1/2013, 20:26

Normal Moves

MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes
Close Light PunchHL405020C*Sp*Su32637-
Close Medium PunchHL7010040Sp*Su541006Forces stand
Close Hard PunchHL13020060-831416+5 Hit advantage on crouching opponents
Close Light KickHL305020Sp*Su3310-21-
Close Medium KickHL9010040Sp*Su6312-12-
Close Hard KickHL14020060-73140-[Hit] limited juggle knockdown
Far Light PunchHL405020Sp*Su42736-
Far Medium PunchHL9010040-6312-12-
Far Hard PunchHL12020060-8221-5-1-
Far Light KickHL305020Sp*Su449-21-
Far Medium KickHL7010040-631103-
Far Hard KickHL12020060-10522-7-3-
Crouch Light PunchHL305020C*Sp*Su43803-
Crouch Medium PunchHL8010040-6313-21-
Crouch Hard PunchHL90*50100*10060*20-82*320-5-1-
Crouch Light KickL405020Sp*Su43803-
Crouch Medium KickL7010040-6412-21-
Crouch Hard KickL120*50100*10030*30-112(9)220-7-Hard knockdown
Jump Up Light PunchH605020Sp44---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames
Jump Up Medium PunchH9010040-65---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames
Jump Up Hard PunchH14020060-104---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames
Jump Up Light KickH505020-43---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames
Jump Up Medium KickH9010040-73---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames
Jump Up Hard KickH12020060-104---Legs immune to projectiles until end of startup frames
Jump Toward Light PunchH605020-46---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames
Jump Toward Medium PunchH9010040-64---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames
Jump Toward Hard PunchH12020060-103---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames
Jump Toward Light KickH505020-48---Legs immune to projectiles until end of startup frames
Jump Toward Medium KickH9010040-76---Legs immune to projectiles until end of startup frames
Jump Toward Hard KickH12020060-105---Legs immune to projectiles until end of startup frames
MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes

Other, Special Moves, Supers & Ultras

MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes
Heavy Body Press (D+Hard Punch Air)H11015060-69---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames
Heavy Shoulder (D+Medium Punch Air)-809040-710---Legs immune to projectiles until end of active frames, cannot hit grounded opponents
Thrust Peak (DF+Light Punch)HL405020Sp*Su3712-7-4-
Focus Attack Level 1HL9010020-23532-21-21-
Focus Attack Level 2HL12015040-17+16532-15--
Focus Attack Level 3-17020060-65532---
Forward Throw0.913014040-3220---
Back Throw0.916014040-3220---
Mexican Typhoon Light Punch1.515020040/100-2252--Hard knockdown
Mexican Typhoon Medium Punch1.4520020040/100-2250--Hard knockdown
Mexican Typhoon Hard Punch1.423020040/100-2248--Hard knockdown
Mexican Typhoon EX1.49200150-250/0-4247--1~5f strike and projectile invincible, hard knockdown
Tomahawk Buster Light PunchHL13020030/40-54*717 + After landing 11-14-5f~ airborne, limited juggle knockdown
Tomahawk Buster Medium PunchHL15020030/40-64*721 + After landing 11-18-1~5f upper body strike and projectile invincibility, 1~5f unthrowable, 6f~ airborne, limited juggle knockdown
Tomahawk Buster Hard PunchHL16020030/40-84*726 + After landing 11-23-1~7f upper body strike and projectile invincibility, 8~11f strike and projectile invincible, 8f~ airborne, limited juggle knockdown
Tomahawk Buster EXHL80*50150*150-250/0-54*729 + After landing 11-26-1~7f Invincible, 5f~ airborne, limited juggle knockdown
Condor DiveHL12010020/30-11until ground22--limited juggle knockdown, armor break
Condor Dive EXH100[150]50[100]-250/0-11until ground22--limited juggle knockdown, [hit] projectile invincible through recovery, armor break, pursuit property, [] refers to jump version, immune to projectiles until landing
Condor Spire Light PunchHL12020030/30-2094 + After landing 7-7-56~19f lower body strike and projectile invincible, 8f~ airborne, [air hit] limited juggle knockdown
Condor Spire Medium PunchHL12020030/30-20104 + After landing 7-8-66~19f lower body strike and projectile invincible, 8f~ airborne, [air hit] limited juggle knockdown
Condor Spire Hard PunchHL12020030/30-20115 + After landing 7-10-86~19f lower body strike and projectile invincible, 8f~ airborne, [air hit] limited juggle knockdown
Condor Spire EXHL150150-250/0-1594 + After landing 7-3-6~14f strike invincible, 1~27f projectile invincible (24f onwards legs only) , 6f~ airborne, [air hit] limited juggle knockdown
Super1.534300-1000/0-1+0241--2f Invincible, hard knockdown
Ultra 11.4651000/0-1+0241--1f Invincible, hard knockdown
Ultra 21.6345000/0-0+3618 + After landing 26--1~8f Invincible, 1f~ airborne, hard knockdown
MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes

Source EventHubs et Shoryuken
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Frame Data * T. Hawk

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