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 Frame Data * Vega / Claw

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GxC Shield
GxC Shield

Messages : 1740
ID en ligne : GxC Shield (XBox360 & PC) // GxC_Kekkai (PSN)
Perso : Claw (SSFIVAE); Dhalsim (SFII) / Ky Kiske (GGXrd)

Frame Data * Vega / Claw Empty
MessageSujet: Frame Data * Vega / Claw   Frame Data * Vega / Claw I_icon_minitime6/1/2013, 20:27

Normal Moves

MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes
Close Light PunchHL30[20]5020Sp*Su4210-12-
Close Medium PunchHL70[60]10040Sp*Su7213-12-
Close Hard PunchHL50[40]x250*5060*20Sp*Su93(7)314151st hit cancellable, Forces stand
Close Light KickHL305020-4210-12-
Close Medium KickHL7010040Sp*Su6213-12-
Close Hard KickHL40*70125*7560*20Su42*223-7-21st hit cancellable, Forces stand
Far Light PunchHL30[20]5020Sp*Su4210-12-
Far Medium PunchHL90[80]10040Su7214-21-
Far Hard PunchHL120[110]20060-8323-8-4-
Far Light KickHL405020-52725-
Far Medium KickHL7010040-8215-30-
Far Hard KickHL40*70125*7560*20Su42*223-7-21st hit cancellable, Forces stand
Crouch Light PunchHL30[20]5020Sp*Su42814-
Crouch Medium PunchHL60[50]10040Sp*Su4216-4-1-
Crouch Hard PunchHL110[100]20060-5227-11-6Forces stand on hit
Crouch Light KickL205020Sp*Su42903Low attack
Crouch Medium KickL7010040Sp*Su63925Low attack
Crouch Hard KickL11020060-81317-12DLow attack, cannot fast recover
Jump Up Light PunchH50[40]5020-65----
Jump Up Medium PunchH80[70]10040-53----
Jump Up Hard PunchH100[90]20060-62----
Jump Up Light KickH405020-69----
Jump Up Medium KickH8010040-67----
Jump Up Hard KickH10020060-45----
Jump Toward Light PunchH50[40]5020-55----
Jump Toward Medium PunchH80[70]10040-55----
Jump Toward Hard PunchH100[90]20060-54----
Jump Toward Light KickH405020-67----
Jump Toward Medium KickH7010040-66----
Jump Toward Hard KickH10020060-66----
MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes

Other, Special Moves, Supers & Ultras

MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes
Down Foward + Medium KickH6010040-20313-4010~22f airborne
Down Foward + Hard KickHL8010060-14510 + After landing 4-3D18~24f feet strike and projectile invincible, 14~ airborne, floats opponent
Wall Jump----------From wall 6f~ can perform actions
Backflip Punch-------65--1~57f Invincible, can pass through opponent, can pick up mask or claw until 31f, treated as special move
Backflip Kick-------42--1~32f Invincible, can pass through opponent, treated as special move
Focus Attack Level 1HL60[50]10020-21235-21-21-
Focus Attack Level 2HL80[70]15040-17+12235-15D-
Focus Attack Level 3-140[130]20060-65235DD-
Forward Throw1.0712012040-3220-DThrow range 1.07
Back Throw1.0712012040-3220-DThrow range 1.07
Air Throw1.215013040-32--DHard knockdown, legs projectile invincible until end of active frames
Rolling Crystal Flash Light PunchHL20*90[80]20*10020/10*30Su99(7)422-22charge 60f
Rolling Crystal Flash Medium PunchHL20x3*90[80]20x3*10020/10x3*30Su169(5) 8(5) 8(6) 422-22charge 60f
Rolling Crystal Flash Hard PunchHL20x4*90[80]20x4*10020/10x4*30Su209(5) 8(5) 9(5) 8(6) 422-22charge 60f
Rolling Crystal Flash EXHL20x4*90[80]20x4*100-250/0Su209(5) 8(5) 9(5) 8(6) 420041~78f projectile invincible, charge 60f
Scarlet Terror Light KickHL10015030/30-71015 + After landing 8-12D1~16f unthrowable, 3f~ airborne, armor break, charge 42f
Scarlet Terror Medium KickHL80*60100*10030/20*20-75*514 + After landing 9-12D1~16f unthrowable, 3f~ airborne, armor break, 2nd hit pursuit property, block advantage based on 1st hit, charge 42f
Scarlet Terror Hard KickHL100*60100*10030/20*20-48*514 + After landing 9-15D1~16f unthrowable, 3f~ airborne, armor break, 2nd hit pursuit property, block advantage based on 1st hit, charge 42f
Scarlet Terror EXHL110*70150*100-250/0-48*514 + After landing 9-15D1~4f projectile and throw invincible, 3f~ airborne, armor break, pursuit property, block advantage based on 1st hit, charge 42f
Sky High ClawHL110[100]20030/40-From wall 15Until edge of screenAfter landing 17-20-168f~ airborne, 2f~end of active frames can pass through opponent, fastest startup 24f, charge 42f
Sky High Claw EXHL60[50]x2100-250/0-From wall 10Until edge of screenAfter landing 17-18D8f~ airborne, from wall to end of active frames projectile invincible, 2f~end of active frames can pass through opponent, armor break, 2nd hit pursuit property, fastest startup 18f, charge 42f
Flying Barcelona Attack---20/----After landing 31--8f~ airborne, fastest time to wall 10f, from wall can direct left or right, from wall 18f~ can cancel into followup, charge 42f
Flying Barcelona Attack PunchH90[80]1000/40-311After landing 31--fastest startup 20f, damage is 70[60]/80[70]/90[80] depending on LK/MK/HK version of FBA
Flying Barcelona Attack EXHL3050-250/--9Until edge of screenAfter landing 31--8f~ airborne, floats opponent, fastest time to wall 10f, from wall can direct left or right, from wall 18f~ can cancel into followup, charge 42f
Flying Barcelona Attack EX PunchH50*90[40*80]50*1000/0-21(1)11After landing 31--2nd hit pursuit property, fastest startup 19f
Izuna Drop0.77*H15015080-21(1)11After landing 31--1st hit hard knockdown, 2nd hit limited juggle knockdown, 2nd hit of EX version does 50[40]damage 50stun 0meter
Claw Throw-------40--Claw removed on 19f, reduces damage of Vega's attacks
Mask Throw----250/----40--Mask removed on 19f, increases damage taken by 10%, increases damage done by 10%
Super - Flying Barcelona Special---(-1000/0)---After landing 31--8f~ airborne, fastest time to wall 10f, after reaching wall flash starts on 12f, invincible during flash (1f), charge 42f
Super - Flying Barcelona Special PunchH60[50]x3*100[90]00/0-211(2)10After landing 31-Dpursuit property
Super - Rolling Izuna Drop0.91*H40000/0-211(2)10After landing 31--1st hit hard knockdown, 2nd hit limited juggle knockdown
Ultra 1 (1st hit)HL3000/0-8Until edge of screen---1f~ until wall projectile and throw invincible, can pass through opponents, 8f~ airborne, floats opponent, charge 42f
Ultra 1 (2nd hit backwards)HL450[375]00/0-After flash 1731--After reaching wall flash starts on 8f, from flash to end of active frames invincible, hard knockdown, armor break
Ultra 1 (2nd hit forwards)HL450[375]00/0-After flash 1920 + After landing 31--After reaching wall flash starts on 8f, from flash to end of active frames invincible, hard knockdown, armor break
Ultra 2L150*300[285]00/0-0+81539-36-1~14f Invincible, hard knockdown, armor break, charge 42f
MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes

Source EventHubs et Shoryuken
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Frame Data * Vega / Claw

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