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 Frame Data * Ryu

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GxC Shield
GxC Shield

Messages : 1740
ID en ligne : GxC Shield (XBox360 & PC) // GxC_Kekkai (PSN)
Perso : Claw (SSFIVAE); Dhalsim (SFII) / Ky Kiske (GGXrd)

Frame Data * Ryu Empty
MessageSujet: Frame Data * Ryu   Frame Data * Ryu I_icon_minitime6/1/2013, 20:21

Normal Moves

MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes
Close Light PunchHL305020C*Sp*Su33625-
Close Medium PunchHL7010040Sp*Su3321-33-
Close Hard PunchHL100[80]200[150]60Sp*Su5726-15-10Forces stand, [] refers to active frames 3~5f
Close Light KickHL305020-557-12-
Close Medium KickHL8010040Sp*Su3516-7-2-
Close Hard KickHL40*70125*7560*20Su88(2)415-14-
Far Light PunchHL305020C*Sp*Su43625-
Far Medium PunchHL8010040Sp*Su5414-4-1-
Far Hard PunchHL12020060-831504-
Far Light KickHL405020-566-12-
Far Medium KickHL8010040-8217-5-2-
Far Hard KickHL11020060-9420-6-2-
Crouch Light PunchHL305020C*Sp*Su32725-
Crouch Medium PunchHL6010040Sp*Su44825-
Crouch Hard PunchHL9020060Sp*Su4828-18-13Forces stand
Crouch Light KickL205020Sp*Su439-12Low attack
Crouch Medium KickL6010040Sp*Su5512-30Low attack
Crouch Hard KickL9010060-5428-14DLow attack, cannot fast recover
Jump Up Light PunchH505020-107---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump Up Medium PunchH8010040-55---Legs projectile invincible until end of active frames
Jump Up Hard PunchH10020060-65---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump Up Light KickH405020-59---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump Up Medium KickH8010040-610---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump Up Hard KickH10020060-44---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump Toward Light PunchH505020-47---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump Toward Medium PunchH50*3050*5040*20-73*4---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames, [1st air hit] floats opponent, [2nd air hit] knock down and can juggle
Jump Toward Hard PunchH10020060-65---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump Toward Light KickH405020-48---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump Toward Medium KickH7010040-66---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
Jump Toward Hard KickH10020060-77---Legs projectile invincible until end of startup frames
MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes

Other, Special Moves, Supers & Ultras

MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes
Overhead F + Medium PunchH30*5050*5040*20-171(1)214-23Only +1 hit advantage on crouching opponents
F + Hard PunchHL40*6050*5060*20-172*21804-
Focus Attack Level 1HL6010020-21235-21-21-
Focus Attack Level 2HL8015040-17+12235-15D-
Focus Attack Level 3-14020060-65235DD-
Forward Throw0.913014040-3220-DKnockdown, Range 0.9
Back Throw0.913012040-3220-DKnockdown, Range 0.9
FireballHL7010010/20Su13-45-6-2[air hit] knock down, 16~17f focus cancellable
Fireball EXHL50*5050*50-250/0Su12-401Dknock down, can juggle, 15~16f focus cancellable
Dragon Punch Light PunchHL100[70]200[100]30/40Su31414 + After landing 10-17D1~2f Invincible, 3~4f unthrowable, 3~16f lower body invincibility, 4f~ airborne, knock down, [] refers to active frames 3~14f
Dragon Punch Medium PunchHL80*50150*5020/20*20Su32*1225 + After landing 18-34D1~5f Invincible, 6~16f lower body invincibility, 5f~ airborne, knock down, [2nd hit] can juggle
Dragon Punch Hard PunchHL160[60]200[50]20/40-31428 + After landing 18-37D1~4f Invincible, 3~4f unthrowable, 5~16f lower body invincibility, 3f~ airborne, knock down, [] refers to active frames 3~14f
Dragon Punch EXHL80*60100*100-250/0Su32*1230 + After landing 18-39D1~16f Invincible, 6f~ airborne, knock down, [2nd hit] can juggle
Hurricane Kick Light KickHL10020030/30-112(6)212 + After landing 5-6D7~20f lower body immune to projectiles, 7f~ airborne, knock down, armor break, cannot hit crouching opponents, [2nd hit] aimed backwards
Hurricane Kick Medium KickHL11020030/30-122(6)2(6)2(6)2(6)218 + After landing 3-2D7~45f lower body immune to projectiles, 7f~ airborne, knock down, armor break, cannot hit crouching opponents, [2nd hit, 4th hit] aimed backwards
Hurricane Kick Hard KickHL12020030/30-122(6)2(6)2(6)2(6)218 + After landing 3-2D7~45f lower body immune to projectiles, 7f~ airborne, knock down, armor break, cannot hit crouching opponents, [2nd hit, 4th hit] aimed backwards
Hurricane Kick EXHL30x4*4040x5-250/0-111(3)1(3)1(3)1(3)118 + After landing 3-1D6~27f lower body immune to projectiles, 6f~ airborne, [1st-4th hit] forces stand, [air hit, 5th hit] knock down, armor break, can juggle, [2nd, 4th hit] aimed backwards
Hurricane Kick Light Kick (Air)HL7010010/40-92(6)2(6)2After landing 10-Dknock down, [2nd, 4th hit] aimed backwards
Hurricane Kick Medium Kick (Air)HL8010010/40-92(6)2(6)2After landing 10-Dknock down, [2nd, 4th hit] aimed backwards
Hurricane Kick Hard Kick (Air)HL9010010/40-92(6)2(6)2After landing 10-Dknock down, [2nd, 4th hit] aimed backwards
Hurricane Kick EX (Air)HL40x550x5-250/0-71(3)1(3)1(3)1(3)1After landing 4-Dknock down, can juggle, [2nd, 4th hit] aimed backwards
SuperHL50x4*1000-1000/0-1+2-5211D1f Invincible, [1st-4th air hit] untechable knockdown, [5th hit] untechable knockdown, can juggle
Ultra 1HL42x7 * 7500/0-0+11-120-25D1~9f Invincible, [1st-7th air hit] or [8th hit] untechable knockdown, can juggle
Ultra 2HL270 * 38x4 * 50x3 [270 * 233]00/0-0+83*3x743+ After landing 41-84D1~10f Invincible, 11~31f lower body invincibility, 11f~ airborne, untechable knockdown, [2nd hit] (translate) can juggle, armor break, 1st hit goes into animation, [] refers to animation, guard advantage assumes 2nd hit
MoveBlockDamageStunMeter GainCancel AbilityStartupActiveRecoverFrame Adv. BlockFrame Adv. HitNotes

Source EventHubs et Shoryuken
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Frame Data * Ryu

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